Sunday, March 30, 2008

We had a Party!

Oh Baby. . . there was a party for me today! I was there and I got really excited. Mommy was excited too. There were lots of presents. I don't know what that is but I guess I will figure it out.
Mommy was happy because there was cake. And someone special made something called chocolate covered strawberries. Mommy really likes those and so I guess I will too.
Mommy got to see lots of her friends. And they took lots of pictures so everyone will get to see them here in a couple of days.
Everyone is busy because mommies birthday is tomorrow. Happy birthday mommy. I won't get to see you but I'll be sure and let you know I am here!
Please come and see all the pictures from the party!
And please leave a comment.

1 comment:

sueellen said...

Hi, Zane!
This is Aunt Sue. I talked to Grandma last night and she said the party went well. I'm glad you liked your scrapbook, cowboy quilt, and ball. Give your mom a few birthday kicks today!!